I have a love-love relationship with root beer. And anyone who is willing to bring me root beer straight to my car - well, I love them too. So it's a good thing that the car hops at Mugs Up Root Beer Drive-In in Independence are so, well, lovable. They're friendly even when they're busy and they're always quick when delivering metal trays of hot onion rings and loose-meat whiz burgers. There are zip burgers (no cheese), whiz burgers (with cheese), chili burgers (you guessed it) and super burgers (like a double, with cheese and tomato). They have perfectly circular chicken sandwiches, BBQ beef, and pork tenderloins. And the prices feel like you've stepped back in time a little. Don't miss the onion rings or the root beer - if you're feeling like you deserve a special treat, make it a black cow.

Mugs Up Drive-In
700 East 23rd Street
Independence, MO
Oh wow I forgot all about this place. Thanks so much for the reminder :)
Thanks so much for the "mugs up" tip - we went there this weekend, it was like going back in time. Rootbeer in a mug, no ice, on a metal tray, Unbelieveable!
Been enjoying your blog since I heard about it on the Walt B show.
Best, Mike Sinclair
Excellent - nice to know I'm not the only person in town who loves Mugs Up. I've always been a sucker for their burgers, and I don't know of any other place in town that serves loose meat sandwiches. Plus, the root beer is fantastic.
does anyone remember the owners of Mugs Up Root Beer stands. One was in Bartlesville, Ok. and the other was in Kansas. The owners were Faye and Clarence Randall.
My husband & I would go to Mugs Up in Kansas when we were dating in high school. We paid about 50 cents for a zip burger, fries and a root beer. We are going to a back to school party and are supposed to bring a dish of something from the decade we graduated from high school. We would love to take "zip burgers".
Do you by any chance have a recipe for a dish like them?
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